Psychometric Reports
Selection Report
Comprehensive insight into an candidates work-based personality
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The Selection Report describes the degree of fit between an individual’s psychometric results and the critical attributes of a specified role within your organisation. It’s a great narrative report for any questionnaire that has been job matched.
This is where you indicate what your ideal candidate would look like on each of the scales using a 5 point sliding scale ranging from Great fit to Terrible fit with the target role.

Clevry is then able to use these ratings to construct an algorithm that will describe the degree of fit between your respondents and the target role.
By utilising the job matching function when setting up your questionnaire, your report is able to incorporate an interpretation of scale scores for your candidates.
The Selection Report incorporates data from personality questionnaires and ability tests and is designed for use by recruiters, interviewers, assessors and panels.
What’s in the Selection Report?
All Clevry reports have a page dedicated to ensuring users fully understand the background and purpose of the report, how to correctly interpret the results it presents, the conditions of using the report and where further information can be found about the candidate.
Job fit summary
Provides a comprehensive table which displays your candidate’s job-matched scores on the personality questionnaire. The widely recognised and intuitive red, amber, green (RAG) traffic light scoring ensures easy interpretation of the data at a glance.
An overall job fit score is also calculated by combining assessment results with a bespoke job-specific algorithm. This is a useful guide when conducting an initial sift and shortlisting process as it indicates the candidate’s degree of fit with the approach, demands and rewards of this role and her personality, emotional style and values.

Detailed job fit profile
Information is presented with varying levels of depth in the report to ensure that it can be used to gain a quick overall impression or a more detailed view of a candidate.
The Detailed Job Fit pages provide narrative describing specific associated behaviours and tendencies related to their score on a particular scale.
Accompanying the personality description are visual indicators of the job fit, displayed in both word and numerical formats.