Assessment Platform

The Science

Learn what's behind our assessment platform

Psychometric test publishing since 1991

Our assessment division was originally founded as Criterion in 1991 by Richard Hunter, who prior to this co-built the OPQ at SHL.

Clevry’s personality and ability assessments are based on rational model which means all our psychometric assessments have the highest predictive validity of different psychometric tests.

Measuring distinct elements of personality (traits), not broad domains. Shows "strength of preference" on a scale, rather than categorizing people on one side or another.

Candidates' responses are always compared to a norm group.

High levels of reliability and validity across all our PQs and Ability Tests.

Fully accredited by The British Psychological Society.

The Science

Platform Documentation

We are happy to provide you with further documentation about our products and services. Please contact us for more information.

Some of the most commonly asked information sheets are:
- Information sheets
- Norm groups
- Validity and reliability
- Accessibility and neurodiversity
- Security, privacy and GDPR
- Ability tests
- Personality questionnaires
- Situational judgement tests