About Us

Clevry began over three decades ago by pioneering a better way of recruiting and connecting talent with opportunities so they can accomplish incredible things.

Our mission is to accelerate the world’s transition into soft skills-first hiring. As a result, we made matching and recruiting faster and easier for businesses of all sizes and talent from around the globe.

The shift to soft skills-first hiring is happening now. We are here to make sure you maximise the benefits from it. With Clevry, you can engage, hire, onboard and develop talent quickly, plus avoid bias and unfairness, with our suite of solutions, including marketplaces, assessments, video interviews, scheduling, and recruitment and sourcing services.

We operate globally with customers from North America to Singapore, headquartered in Brighton, Stockholm and Helsinki. At Clevry, we have over 150 soft skills certified experts and business psychologists at your service.

Our roots

We are pioneers in deploying psychometrics to the workplace, applying our research-driven models that connect psychological traits to job-related competencies.

Clevry’s roots go back to 1991 when Richard Hunter founded our business psychologist team, drawing on experience built from his collaboration in developing the OPQ at SHL. Dr Alan Redman joined soon after as a partner and heads up the science and technology team here at Clevry today. A Chartered, HCPC-Registered Work and organisational Psychologist, Dr Alan has over 25 years of expertise in emerging technologies, harnessing them to create amazing psychometrics, tools and candidate experiences.

team building workshop - Alan