
Problem solving interview questions (and answers)

25 problem-solving interview questions to uncover how your candidates approach complex situations and provide effective solutions.

25 good problem solving questions

  1. Describe a situation where you encountered a problem at work or in your personal life and how you resolved it.
  2. How do you approach solving everyday challenges in your role?
  3. Share an example of a time when you identified a problem before it became critical.
  4. How do you handle situations where you don’t have enough information to make a decision?
  5. Describe a time when you collaborated with others to solve a problem successfully.
  6. How do you prioritise multiple problems that demand your attention simultaneously?
  7. Describe a situation where you had to deal with a difficult team member while working on a project.
  8. How do you handle situations when you encounter resistance to your proposed solutions?
  9. Share an example of a time when you had to think outside the box to find an innovative solution.
  10. How do you ensure that solutions you implement are sustainable and won’t lead to new problems down the line?
  11. Describe a time when you used data analysis to solve a complex problem.
  12. Share an example of a time when you had to make a critical decision under time pressure.
  13. How do you encourage a culture of continuous improvement within a team or organisation?
  14. Describe a situation where you had to lead a team through a particularly complex problem-solving process.
  15. How do you approach solving problems that require cross-functional collaboration?
  16. Share an example of a time when you had to deal with a high-stress problem-solving situation with limited resources.
  17. How do you handle situations where you must navigate competing priorities and interests to find the best solution?
  18. Describe a time when you proactively identified potential problems before they became evident and implemented preventive measures.
  19. How do you foster a culture of problem-solving and innovation within a team or organisation?
  20. Share an example of a time when you had to develop a comprehensive solution to a multifaceted problem.
  21. How do you encourage team members to take ownership of the problems they encounter and find solutions independently?
  22. Share an example of a time when you had to navigate through conflicting information to arrive at an optimal solution.
  23. How do you stay updated on the latest problem-solving techniques and methodologies?
  24. Describe a time when you had to lead a team through a crisis, demonstrating exemplary problem-solving skills.
  25. How do you handle situations where you must make decisions without a clear precedent or established procedure?

1. Describe a situation where you encountered a problem at work or in your personal life and how you resolved it.


What to look for:

Look for a clear explanation of the problem and a logical approach to solving it.

Suggested answer:

“At my previous job, we faced a communication issue within the team. I scheduled a team meeting to discuss the problem openly and find a collaborative solution. We implemented regular team catch-ups, and it significantly improved communication.”

2. How do you approach solving everyday challenges in your role?


What to look for:

The candidate should demonstrate a systematic and proactive approach to problem-solving.

Suggested answer:

“I start by gathering all relevant information, breaking down the problem into smaller parts, and then brainstorming potential solutions. Once I evaluate each option, I choose the best course of action and monitor its progress.”

3. Share an example of a time when you identified a problem before it became critical.


What to look for:

A candidate who shows attentiveness and the ability to anticipate issues.


Suggested answer:

“In my last project, I noticed that the team was falling behind on deadlines due to inefficient task allocation. I proactively suggested a more balanced workload distribution, which helped us meet our milestones.”

4. How do you handle situations where you don’t have enough information to make a decision?


What to look for:

Look for candidates who can demonstrate adaptability and a willingness to seek additional information.


Suggested answer:

“When faced with insufficient data, I research and seek input from colleagues or experts in the field. By gathering more information, I can make a more informed decision.”

5. Describe a time when you collaborated with others to solve a problem successfully.


What to look for:

A candidate who can effectively work in a team and value diverse perspectives.


Suggested answer:

”During a group project, we encountered technical challenges. I encouraged open communication, allowing everyone to share their ideas. By combining our strengths, we developed a solution that addressed the issues effectively.”

6. How do you prioritise multiple problems that demand your attention simultaneously?


What to look for:

The ability to assess urgency, importance, and impact to make informed decisions.


Suggested answer:

“I use a priority matrix to evaluate the urgency and importance of each problem. High-impact and time-sensitive issues take precedence, while lower-priority problems are scheduled for later.”

7. Describe a situation where you had to deal with a difficult team member while working on a project.


What to look for:

The candidate’s ability to handle interpersonal conflicts and foster collaboration.


Suggested answer:

“In a previous project, a team member and I had conflicting ideas. I organised a one-on-one discussion, actively listened to their concerns, and found common ground. We adjusted our approach and worked together more smoothly afterward.”

8. How do you handle situations when you encounter resistance to your proposed solutions?


What to look for:

The candidate should demonstrate persuasive communication skills and a willingness to consider alternative viewpoints.


Suggested answer:

“I try to understand the reasons behind the resistance and address any concerns. I provide data and examples to support my solution and highlight its benefits. If needed, I’m open to adjusting my proposal based on constructive feedback.”

9. Share an example of a time when you had to think outside the box to find an innovative solution.


What to look for:

Creativity and resourcefulness in problem-solving.


Suggested answer:

“During a product development phase, we faced budget constraints that prevented us from acquiring expensive software. I researched open-source alternatives and successfully integrated a cost-effective solution that met our requirements.”

10. How do you ensure that solutions you implement are sustainable and won’t lead to new problems down the line?


What to look for:

Candidates who demonstrate a long-term perspective and consider potential consequences.


Suggested answer:

“To ensure sustainable solutions, I conduct thorough risk assessments and engage stakeholders to anticipate any unintended side effects. Regular evaluations help me identify potential issues and make necessary adjustments.”

11. Describe a time when you used data analysis to solve a complex problem.


What to look for:

The candidate’s ability to leverage data-driven insights to make informed decisions.

Suggested answer:

“In a marketing campaign, I analysed customer behaviour data to identify the best-performing channels. By reallocating resources based on the analysis, we increased ROI significantly.”

12. Share an example of a time when you had to make a critical decision under time pressure.


What to look for:

The ability to stay composed, think rationally, and prioritise the most important factors.

Suggested answer:

“During a project deadline crunch, we discovered a significant flaw in our initial approach. I quickly gathered the team, assessed potential alternatives, and made a calculated decision that allowed us to meet the deadline with a strong outcome.”

13. How do you encourage a culture of continuous improvement within a team or organisation?


What to look for:

Candidates who actively seek opportunities for growth and foster a learning mindset among colleagues.


Suggested answer:

“I promote continuous improvement by organising regular team retrospectives, where we openly discuss successes and challenges. I also encourage ongoing learning and development, such as workshops or online courses.”

14. Describe a situation where you had to lead a team through a particularly complex problem-solving process.


What to look for:

Leadership qualities, such as delegation, communication, and motivating team members.


Suggested answer:

“In a merger project, we faced intricate integration challenges. I divided the team into smaller groups, assigned specific responsibilities, and ensured transparent communication across all units. Through effective leadership, we successfully navigated the complexities.”

15. How do you approach solving problems that require cross-functional collaboration?


What to look for:

The ability to bridge communication gaps and align goals among diverse teams.


Suggested answer:

“When dealing with cross-functional challenges, I set up joint meetings, clearly define objectives, and ensure everyone’s voice is heard. By promoting a collaborative environment, we can collectively solve the problem with each team’s unique expertise.”

16. Share an example of a time when you had to deal with a high-stress problem-solving situation with limited resources.


What to look for:

Resilience, adaptability, and resourcefulness in demanding situations.


Suggested answer:

“In a crisis management situation, we had to address a sudden supply chain disruption with limited time and resources. I coordinated closely with suppliers, secured alternative sources, and prioritised essential products to minimise the impact on customers.”

17. How do you handle situations where you must navigate competing priorities and interests to find the best solution?


What to look for:

Candidates who demonstrate diplomacy, negotiation skills, and the ability to find win-win solutions.


Suggested answer:

“In situations with competing priorities, I gather input from all stakeholders, identify common ground, and find a solution that meets the core needs of each party. Effective communication is vital to ensure understanding and buy-in.”

18. Describe a time when you proactively identified potential problems before they became evident and implemented preventive measures.


What to look for:

The ability to foresee challenges and take proactive measures to avoid them.


Suggested answer:

“In a software development project, I conducted extensive testing and risk analysis before the launch. This allowed us to identify and address potential bugs early, resulting in a smoother product release.”

19. How do you foster a culture of problem-solving and innovation within a team or organisation?


What to look for:

Candidates who promote a growth mindset, experimentation, and continuous improvement.

Suggested answer:

“I encourage my team to see setbacks as opportunities to learn and innovate. We hold regular brainstorming sessions, where all ideas are welcome, and we celebrate experimentation, even if it leads to failure.”

20. Share an example of a time when you had to develop a comprehensive solution to a multifaceted problem.


What to look for:

The ability to analyse complex situations, break them down into manageable parts, and synthesise a cohesive solution.


Suggested answer:

“During a business expansion, we faced challenges in scaling operations, hiring new talent, and adapting our marketing strategy. I worked closely with different departments, utilised data analysis, and developed a detailed roadmap that addressed each aspect systematically.”

21. How do you encourage team members to take ownership of the problems they encounter and find solutions independently?


What to look for:

Candidates who empower their team members and trust them to take initiative.

Suggested answer:

“I promote a culture of ownership by assigning challenging tasks and providing guidance when needed. I ensure team members know they have the authority to make decisions and take responsibility for their outcomes.”

22. Share an example of a time when you had to navigate through conflicting information to arrive at an optimal solution.


What to look for:

The ability to critically assess data and reconcile different perspectives to make informed decisions.

Suggested answer:

“In a strategic planning process, I received conflicting data from various departments. I organised a meeting to discuss the discrepancies, validate the information, and reach a consensus. The collaborative effort led to a well-informed decision.”

23. How do you stay updated on the latest problem-solving techniques and methodologies?


What to look for:

Candidates who prioritise continuous learning and professional development.


Suggested answer:

“I regularly attend workshops, webinars, and industry conferences to learn about emerging problem-solving approaches. I also participate in online forums and read relevant books to stay informed about the latest best practices.”

24. Describe a time when you had to lead a team through a crisis, demonstrating exemplary problem-solving skills.


What to look for:

Leadership under pressure, quick decision-making, and the ability to maintain team morale during challenging times.


Suggested answer:

“During a product recall crisis, I assembled a crisis management team, ensuring constant communication and support. We worked around the clock to identify the root cause, implement corrective actions, and maintain transparency with customers, which eventually led to a successful resolution.”

25. How do you handle situations where you must make decisions without a clear precedent or established procedure?


What to look for:

Candidates who can display confidence, adaptability, and strategic thinking in ambiguous situations.


Suggested answer:

“In uncharted territory, I rely on my ability to gather insights, analyse potential outcomes, and consult with experienced colleagues. I understand that bold decisions may be necessary, and I take responsibility for the consequences while learning from the experience.”

Remember, the suggested answers are just examples, and the quality of a response will vary based on the individual’s experiences and capabilities. 

As a recruiter, try to focus on the candidate’s thought process, problem-solving approach, adaptability, and ability to learn from past experiences when evaluating their responses. Look for real-life examples that demonstrate their problem-solving skills and how they apply them to various situations.

How to measure problem solving skills

Assessing problem-solving skills in candidates involves evaluating their analytical thinking, creativity, and ability to implement practical solutions. 


Analytical thinking:

Evaluate a candidate’s analytical skills by assessing their ability to break down complex problems into manageable components. Inquire about their process for gathering and analysing relevant information.


Creativity in solutions:

Assess a candidate’s creativity in generating innovative solutions to problems. Inquire about instances where they approached challenges from different perspectives, leading to creative and effective solutions.


Decision-making process:

Effective problem-solving often involves decision-making. Evaluate a candidate’s decision-making process by asking about how they weigh pros and cons and reach well-founded conclusions in problem-solving scenarios.



Assess a candidate’s resourcefulness in finding solutions with limited resources. Inquire about situations where they demonstrated the ability to achieve goals despite constraints or challenges.


Implementation skills:

Effective problem solvers not only identify solutions but also implement them successfully. Inquire about instances where candidates have taken initiative and implemented practical solutions to address specific challenges.


Collaborative problem-solving:

Evaluate a candidate’s ability to work collaboratively on problem-solving initiatives. Inquire about experiences where they contributed to group problem-solving efforts and how they facilitated collaboration within a team.


Learning from mistakes:

Assess a candidate’s ability to learn from mistakes and setbacks. Inquire about instances where they encountered challenges, and evaluate their capacity to adjust their approach and improve based on those experiences.


Time management:

Effective problem solvers can manage their time efficiently. Ask candidates about situations where they had to solve problems within tight deadlines and how they prioritised tasks to achieve successful outcomes.


These points provide a comprehensive framework for assessing problem-solving skills in candidates. A strong problem solver can positively impact an organisation by addressing challenges proactively and contributing to continuous improvement.

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