How to Hire a Financial Analyst

How to hire a financial analyst

Whether you’re a startup in need of financial guidance or a well-established corporation looking to enhance your financial strategy, finding the right financial analyst can be a game-changer.  However, with most recruiters facing a plethora of candidates and varying skill sets, knowing how to hire a financial analyst that aligns with your company’s needs can […]

Managing diversity in the workplace: 7 key steps

Managing diversity in the workplace - 7 key steps

What is diversity in the workplace?  Simply put, a diverse workplace is one that gives its employees the freedom to be themselves and values them for their skills regardless of differences. These differences can range from race, religion, age, sexuality, gender, and disability to our unique personality traits.  A diverse workforce can significantly benefit a […]

Test advice: 13 tips to ace your psychometric test


Applying for a new job can be a daunting experience. Taking a psychometric test however, doesn’t’ need to be.   If you find yourself feeling nervous about an upcoming assessment, fret no more. We’ve summarised some of our top tips to consider when taking an assessment as part of the recruitment process. 1. Learn the why […]

6 soft skills that fuel business success

6 soft skills that fuel business success

When it comes to finding the perfect match between employers and employees, credentials like education and experience are important but not always sufficient. While hard knowledge can be taught and experience acquired, personal skills go much further in determining whether an employee will be a long-term success at your company.  In this article, we will […]

5 Soft skills to succeed in customer service

Soft skills for customer service

Organisations, including tech giants like Google, Apple, IBM, and many financial institutions like Santander, are redefining their recruitment criteria. The once-central emphasis on educational degrees is giving way to a more nuanced evaluation of an applicant’s skill set. This transformation is echoed by HR leaders such as Janelle Gale, a senior HR exec at Meta […]

Unlocking sales team retention: how to retain your best sales talent

How to retain sales talent

In order to know how to retain your top sales talent, understanding why individuals depart is crucial. Numerous factors contribute, but the main ones tend to always include: Poor management:  Managers wield significant influence. One Gallup study on workplace engagement in the US revealed that half of American adults have left jobs due to bad […]

33 Employee engagement stats for 2024

Employee engagement stats 2024

What is employee engagement? Wikipedia describes employee engagement as ‘’a fundamental concept in the effort to understand and describe, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the nature of the relationship between an organisation and its employees.’’ At its core employee engagement can be more easily described as the relationship between work, an organisation and its employees. Why […]

89 Team Building Activities for 2024

89 Team building activities for 2024

Embarking on a journey to properly strengthen and develop your team goes beyond holding a single team building workshop and then thinking your work is done. Today’s team building activities have evolved beyond mere icebreaker games; when done right, they can be transformative for your organisation, fostering stronger connections, enhancing teamwork, and illuminating individual strengths […]

33 Onboarding stats for 2024

Onboarding stats 2024

Employee onboarding isn’t just a formality anymore. It is the cornerstone of setting up your new hires for long term success. Failing to deliver a comprehensive onboarding experience can leave your newly hired talent adrift, grappling with disengagement, feeling overwhelmed, and at an increased likelihood of seeking an early exit.  In this exploration, we delve […]

Motivation tips to survive the 10 weeks of January

January motivation tips

As we bid farewell to 2023 (how did that happen so quickly?) and welcome a new year filled with opportunities in 2024, January can often be a long and grey month for many. It can be tough to regain your focus after the holiday season. Perhaps you’ve bought a new calendar to kickstart the year […]